# BUSCO version is: 3.0.2 # The lineage dataset is: basidiomycota_odb9 (Creation date: 2016-02-13, number of species: 25, number of BUSCOs: 1335) # To reproduce this run: python /nfs/users/nfs_r/rc28/.conda/dd05bc33/bin/run_busco -i SPRF01.fasta -o SPRF01_basidiomycota_odb9 -l /lustre/scratch116/vr/projects/vgp/user/rc28/databases/busco_2019_11/basidiomycota_odb9/ -m genome -c 16 -sp coprinus # # Summarized benchmarking in BUSCO notation for file SPRF01.fasta # BUSCO was run in mode: genome C:94.9%[S:94.8%,D:0.1%],F:1.8%,M:3.3%,n:1335 1267 Complete BUSCOs (C) 1265 Complete and single-copy BUSCOs (S) 2 Complete and duplicated BUSCOs (D) 24 Fragmented BUSCOs (F) 44 Missing BUSCOs (M) 1335 Total BUSCO groups searched